Friday, April 16, 2010

Winding Down

Well, I’m writing this on Friday, April 16, 2010, and I leave for Accra, Ghana (where we fly out of) in 15 days. I land in Missouri in 17 days, and I get to see people in Searcy in 18! I am absolutely stunned that 8 months have gone by so quickly... Absolutely stunned. I really don’t know what to feel or think or dwell on, but I do know that I love the team/our other friends here and leaving will not be an easy thing. I’m sitting here watching my kids work on their 118th math lesson’s homework, and I’m wondering what I’m going to do without them. It’s actually making my eyes well up, so I’m going to move on and stop dwelling on it!

I’ve already packed one trunk and partially packed a second. The girls and I have made arrangements to have a Papa John’s pizza waiting for us in Atlanta when we land (thanks wonderful Cannon parents!) and my mom is bringing pillows to the airport for Sarah and I to crash on in the car on the drive home. Yesterday at ladies’ prayer time, we planned our Open House and the 6th grade girls’ tap recital. I still have to make the costumes for that beautiful event. I’m also the official slideshow choreographer, so I have a collection of pictures to put in a glorious order with fantastic music to accompany them... Maybe even a few videos. The Millers’ grandmother is coming and will be here for Open House, which is nice- I’m always happy to let family in on the goings on at school. We have a week of half days next week, which also happens to be “Spirit Week” full of dress-up days, and (surely) laughter and fun. 

I can’t see how the events of the next two weeks are going to help me say goodbye.

I love you.

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